Fleurs du mal / Flowers of Evil
1868 Edition
After the death of Baudelaire on August 31, 1867, the rights to the poet's work reverted — ironically enough, given his relationship with her — to his aging mother. His friends, however, were not content to allow Baudelaire to fade into nothingness, and thus induced his mother to allow them to produce a comprehensive edition of his works.
Subsequently, Baudelaire's close friends the poet Théodore de Banville and the bibliophile Charles Asselineau sold the rights to his complete works to the publisher Michel Lévy. The complete works were to include Les Fleurs du mal, Les Paradis artificiels, Baudelaire's translations of Edgar Allan Poe, as well as prose poems, art criticism, and miscellaneous writings.
In December 1868 the third edition of Les Fleurs du mal — volume 1 of the poet's complete works — went on sale in Paris. Along with an introduction by the poet Théophile Gautier, this new edition contained all the poems of the 1861 edition, eleven poems from Les Épaves, plus a few others. (It lacked, however, the six poems censored from the first edition, since these were still illegal to print in France.) This 1868 edition was the only one authorized by Baudelaire's estate until his work fell into the public domain in 1917. However, though Banville and Asselineau meant well in assembling and editing the work, scholars today generally disagree with some of the choices made by the two friends, in particular with several of the poems they chose to include and with the way in which these poems altered the "secret architecture" of the 1861 edition.
Poems added to the third edition are indicated below by red guillemets like this ».
Table of Contents
To the Reader
Spleen et idéal / Spleen and Ideal
The Albatross
I love the memory of those naked epochs...
The Beacons
The Sick Muse
The Venal Muse
The Bad Monk
The Enemy
Bad Luck
Past Life
Traveling Gypsies
Man and the Sea
Don Juan in Hell
To Théodore de Banville
Punishment of Pride
The Ideal
The Giantess
The Mask
Hymn to Beauty
Exotic Perfume
I adore you as much as the nocturnal vault...
You would take the entire world to bed with you...
Never Satisfied
With her pearly undulating dresses...
The Dancing Serpent
A Carcass
From the Depths I Cried
The Vampire
One night when I lay beside a frightful Jewess...
Posthumous Remorse
The cat
The Duel
The Balcony
The Possessed
A Phantom
I give you these verses so if my name...
Always the Same
All Together
What will you say tonight, poor solitary soul...
The Living Torch
Spiritual Dawn
Evening Harmony
The Perfume Flask
Cloudy Sky
The Cat
The Beautiful Ship
Invitation to the Voyage
The Irreparable
Autumn Song
To a Madonna
Afternoon Song
Verses for the Portrait of Honoré Daumier
In Praise of My Frances
To a Creole Lady
Grieving and Wandering
The Ghost
Autumn Sonnet
Sorrows of the Moon
The Cats
The Owls
The Pipe
A Fantastic Engraving
The Grateful Dead
The Cask of Hatred
The Broken Bell
Spleen (Pluvius, irritated...)
Spleen (I have more memories...)
Spleen (I'm like the king...)
Spleen (When the sky low and heavy...)
The Taste for Nothingness
The Alchemy of Grief
Sympathetic Horror
The Peace Pipe, after Longfellow
A Pagan's Prayers
The Cover
The Unforeseen
Midnight Examination of Consience
Sad Madrigal
The Warner
To a Lady of Malabar
The Voice
The Rebel
Berthe's Eyes
The Fountain
The Ransom
Quite Far from Here
Sunset of Romanticism
On Eugene Delacroix's Tasso in Prison
The Abyss
The Laments of an Icarus
The Self-Tormenter
The Irremediable
The Clock
Tableaux Parisiens / Parisian Scenes
The Sun
Lola de Valence
The Moon Offended
To a Mendicant Redhead
The Swan
The Seven Old Men
The Little Old Ladies
The Blind
To a Passerby
The Hard-Working Skeleton
Evening Crepuscule
Danse Macabre
The Love of Lies
I have not forgotten, near the city...
The kind-hearted servant of whom you were jealous...
Mists and Rains
Parisian Dream
Morning Crepuscule
Le Vin / Wine
The Soul of Wine
The Rag-Picker's Wine
The Murderer's Wine
The Lonely Man's Wine
The Lovers' Wine
Fleurs du mal / Flowers of Evil
Epigraph for a Condemned Book
A Martyr
Women Doomed (Like pensive cattle...)
The Two Good Sisters
The Fountain of Blood
A Voyage to Cythera
Love and the Skull
Révolte / Revolt
The Denial of Saint Peter
Abel and Cain
The Litanies of Satan
La Mort / Death
The Death of Lovers
The Death of the Poor
The Death of Artists
End of the Day
Dream of a Curious Man
The Voyage